About Department

Department of Sindhi was established in 1960. Sindhi  Department  offers  courses  in  Sindhi at Faculty of Arts B.A. Semester -1  as  Foundation-3, Allied- 1/2   IDE-01 and  Semester- 2   Allied-3/4 ,  &   IDE- 02 At the S.Y.B.A -  Semester-3   Sindhi is  offered  as Allied-5/6,  IDE-03/04 and  Semester -4  in  Allied-7/8 And  IDE-05/06. For  many  years there has been a  demand  from  students  for  offering  Sindhi  as  a  core  course  at   BA. Level. Since 1995, there  is  full  teacher. The average  student  strength  has  increased  to about   300.

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